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Has Your Landlord Ignored Your Issues? Check For Compensation Now

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Complaints Procedure

Complaints Procedure



“We/Us/Our” means Right City Media Ltd, a limited company registered in England, whose registered and trading address is 55b Derby Street, Manchester, M8 8HW.

This document sets out the obligations of Our Company with regard to consumer complaints and compliments.

Our complaints procedure is based on the rules and guidance set out by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the FCA Handbook.

The FCA sets out how complaints are to be dealt with in this section of the FCA Handbook DISP 1.3

The FCA defines a complaint as ‘any oral or written expression of dissatisfaction, whether justified or not, from, or on behalf of, a person about the provision of, or failure to provide, a financial service, claims management service or a redress determination,

1.   Our Commitment

We are committed to giving consumers the highest standards of service and consumer care. If you believe that we have not succeeded in achieving this, we encourage your feedback to enable us to rectify any concerns and improves upon services.

All Our Company staff will receive training on the complaints procedure and will guide Consumers who wish to complain (complainant) to the formal review process.

2.   Complaints Procedure

Complaints can be expressed verbally or in writing (whether by email or post).

Written complaints need to be directed to the Complaints Department and can posted or e-mailed to the following addresses:

Right City Media Ltd, 55b Derby Street, Manchester, M8 8HW.

[email protected]

To assist consumers that are not able to email or write in, details of the complaint should be taken from the consumer (whether over the phone or face to face), and then referred to the relevant department.

Consumers who wish to complain (complainant) are encouraged to provide details about themselves so that we can directly attempt to redress the potential problem.

Complainants are also encouraged to advise Our Company in regard to what action they would like us to take to resolve their complaint.

Upon receipt of the complaint Our Company will issue an acknowledgement within a timescale of 3 working days, which will include details of the Financial Ombudsmen Service and how to contact them. Where the complainant has contacted us via phone this information can be provided verbally to them, and where possible confirmed in writing (by email or post).

The Company aims to start investigation on the complaint upon receipt and aims to respond to the complainant within a time scale of 4 weeks. If Our Company is unable to meet this time scale an update will still be sent to the complainant to ensure they are aware of the complaints progress.

In all cases Our Company will send a final response within a time scale of 8 weeks of receiving the complaint. If Our Company is unable to meet this time scale an update will still be sent to the complainant to ensure they are aware of the complaints progress.

If Our Company takes more than 8 weeks after receiving the complaint to reply to the complainant, or the complainant does not think the outcome has resolved the complaint, the complainants will be advised that they can take further action with the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) and provides details of how to do so.

All complaints that are sent the Final Decision will be sent the FOS leaflet also and advised that they have six months from the date of the final response to contact the FOS.

3.   Complaints resolved by the end of three business days

This section deals with complaints that are resolved by the third business day following the day that it was received.

A complaint in these circumstances is considered to be ‘resolved’ where the complainant has accepted our response, this could be verbally or in writing.

The following steps should be taken for complaints resolved within the 3-businessday time frame:

The complainant is to be sent confirmation in writing:

  • That a complaint was made and that we now consider this to be resolved;
  • Provides the details of the FOS, in the event that the complainant changes their mind;
  • Where the complainant has agreed to waive the time limits; and
  • Provides the details of the FOS, including the website address and states that further information can be obtained from there.

Where written communication is not the most suitable method to communicate the information in Section 3, then we may use an alternative method that best suits the complainant (i.e. a consumer that has limited literacy skills we may verbally inform them of this).

4.   Forwarding complaints

Given the type of business Our Company does all Our consumers will be referred to or signposted to another organisation, as such it is possible that we may receive a complaint which relates to the third party to which we have referred the consumer to.

Complaints that relate to in whole to another party, these complaints should be referred to that third party within two business days.

Complaints that relate in part to a third party, the part relevant to the third party should be referred to it, again within two business days.

Similarly, we may receive complaints from a third party that has received a complaint about our service from a consumer.  These complaints should be treated the same way as all other complaints received directly by Our Company.

Further information on how to complain is set out by the FCA on this webpage.

5.   Record Keeping

The Company records all complaints on the consumers file where possible and also within a central database (the Complaints Log). Actions and outcomes of these complaints are also recorded.

Any complaints to Our Company will be reviewed and will be used to make future service improvements where required.

Complaints records will be kept for a minimum period of three years from the date the complaint was received.

Our Company will provide reports on the volumes of complaints to its Principle (the FCA authorised entity) on a regular basis as agreed with its Principle. 

6.   Compliments

Compliments can initially be expressed verbally;

Compliments can be sent directly to the adviser via the contact details provided;

Compliments can also be directed to:

Right City Media Ltd, 55b Derby Street, Manchester, M8 8HW.

[email protected]

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